Photoshop Designs

This photoshop design that we did in class was teaching us how to ad pops of color to our photos. This was my favorite one because it allowed us to be creative. We only selected a certain part of the photo to change the color of then left the rest of the photo black and white. I now know how to do this again!

The grapes exercise allowed us to use transparency in a photo. We began with a vase and then made it transparent enough so we could see the graps through. We also focused on fixing the edges so they were hardly able to be seen.

In the ealge photo we also used transparency to show the eagle over the flag. We also learned how to create more blurred edges.

Charleston Architechture

In the photos below I did a before and after of the library. We used different photoshop filters to change and edit the photo. This one was my favorite that I did.